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ALM-501 Assisted Living Manager

Assisted Living Manager | Learn about assisted living residential care management. Examine the basics of business management and operation, admission and discharge criteria, clinical management of residents, service planning, nutrition, food safety, dementia, mental health, behavior management, emergency planning, and how the aging process impacts care. CEUs issued. $1,155 includes $85 fee. Note: 8.0 contact hours/80 CE hours issued. Meets Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office Health Care Quality licensing regulations.

Term: Summer 2024

Course Type: Noncredit - 8.0 CEUs

Section: 301 (Closed)

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: TTH

Time: 9:00AM to 6:00PM

Start Date: 07/09/2024

End Date: 08/08/2024

Location: Arundel Mills

Room: AMIL 301 Building:
Arundel Mills

Instructor: Gloria J Mason (Subject to change)

Class Size: 15