Learn the scope of the hospitality industry, beginning with a look at the history and development of the industry. Major topics include travel and tourism, lodging, food and beverage, managed services, gaming and entertainment, meetings, conventions, and expositions. Learn about current industry trends, ethics, economic impact, social and cultural impact, and political and legal impact which are discussed within each topic.
Term: Spring 2025
Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits
Section: 271
Ways to take the class: Online
Start Date: 03/24/2025
End Date: 05/18/2025
Location: Online
Room: TBA
Instructor: Ken Jarvis (Subject to change)
Class Size: 25
Section Info: This section is participating in the Direct Digital Access program. A course materials fee of $42.00 + tax will be charged to your student account when you register. Your course materials will be accessible in Canvas on or before the first day of class. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/AACC-DDA. Note:Students enrolled in HRM 111 will be required to attend an in person field trip to Morgan State University date to be determined.