YouTube Content Creators | Be the next YouTube sensation. Explore YouTube's content and personalities and find your own niche. Learn the dos and don'ts of YouTube and how to practice good digital citizenship. Develop an on-camera presence, channel branding and professional editing skills. Take home a plan to launch your channel! $236+ includes $164 fee. Note: Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions. Campers' work will be available through a password-protected Black Rocket website. Campers work in pairs or teams.
Term: Summer 2025
Course Type: Noncredit - 0.0 CEUs
Section: 302
Ways to take the class: Face-to-face
Time: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Start Date: 07/28/2025
End Date: 08/01/2025
Location: Arnold Campus
Room: TBA
Instructor: TBA (Subject to change)
Class Size: 20
Section Info: Note: Completed Grades 3-5.