While in high school, you may be eligible to take classes for free and get your feet wet on what college courses are like. Remember, though, your grade is part of your college transcript, so choose wisely and apply yourself! We recommend working with your admissions advisor to pick out the right classes for you.
Learn more about enrolling in ECAP.
Did you know many of CAT-North's career technology education (CTE) programs are aligned with AACC credit courses and provide opportunities for students to earn college credit while in high school? Check with the counselor at your high school to find out more about AACC proficiency credit opportunities.
Career Technology Program | AACC Credit Coursework |
Academy of Health Professions |
MDA-113 Medical Terminology |
Baking and Pastry ACF |
HRM 119 Certification in Sanitation |
Carpentry | ACH-121 Construction Technology 1 |
Culinary ACF |
HRM 119 Certification in Sanitation |
Integrated Design/CAD | ACH-111 Graphic Communication 1: Composition and Delineation ENT-241 Computer-Aided Drafting |
Environmental Resource Management | BIO-107 Environmental Science |
IT Networking Academy (Cisco) | CTS-130 Networking 1 CTS-131 Networking 2 CTS-230 Networking 3 |
IT Networking Academy students have the potential to earn up to 15 credits that can be applied to a credit certificate in cyber technology!