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Tanesha R. Meade RN, MSN, CNE, CNE-CL

Assistant Professor 
School of Health Sciences 


Master of Science 
Towson University 

Bachelor of Science 
Notre Dame of Maryland University 

Associate of Science 
Anne Arundel Community College 

Certified Nurse Educator 
National League of Nursing 

Certified Clinical Nurse Educator 
National League of Nursing 


  • Tennis 
  • Skating 
  • Any outdoor activity 
  • Yoga 
  • Traveling 

A Little More

As a nursing student, Tanesha Meade struggled with taking tests. Her own experience inspires her to collaborate with students to figure out why they might be struggling and how she can collaborate with them to ensure they’re successful. She knows personally that struggling in school doesn’t mean students won’t become great nurses. 

“I passed nursing school by a tenth of a point! I can 1,000% tell you (prospective nursing students) that your grade has no impact on your ability to be a phenomenal nurse. Do not let your academic standing impact your confidence or self-esteem in the nursing program,” she said. 

Meade aims to prepare her students for the “real world” of nursing. She is passionate about social justice issues and finds ways to bring awareness to them in her teaching. 

“I believe it is my ethical duty as an educator to not only equip students with the knowledge and skills to become practicing competent nurses, but also introduce ethical scenarios to enhance their critical thinking while also preparing them to problem-solve every day clinical practice barriers in order to promote positive patient outcomes and prevent personal burnout,” she said. 

Outside of the classroom, Meade has served on various committees at AACC, where she earned her associate degree in 2004 and has been teaching since 2015. She is a member of the Equity Committee for the Anne Arundel County Public Schools system and a community member of the Anne Arundel County branch of Coming to the Table. 


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