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Jodie Hogan, Ed.D.

Jodie Hogan in Cuba
Professor, Spanish
World Languages
School of Liberal Arts


Doctor of Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Liberty University

Master of Arts
Intercultural Communications
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Master of Arts
Gratz College

Masters Interuniversitario - Certificate
University of Salamanca, Spain

Bachelor of Science
Spanish Education
California University of Pennsylvania


  • Spanish language
  • Spanish-speaking cultures
  • Intercultural communication
  • Teaching andragogy (the methods and principles used in adult education)

A Little More

Jodie Hogan, Ed.D., teaches Spanish in the Department of World Languages and Methods of Teaching World Languages (EDU-264) for the TEACH Institute. She has seen great success in incorporating kinesthetic activities into her courses, and therefore is an advocate for active learning in all disciplines. It is not unusual to see students in Hogan’s classes interacting in creative ways to build their proficiency in Spanish. She uses music, active learning and cooperative strategies to engage her students in language and culture.

When Hogan is not in the classroom, she enjoys spending time with her family and taking courses to continue her education. She has a strong passion for learning about different cultures and takes every opportunity she can to travel domestically and internationally. She studied at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and has traveled to Cuba (pictured above), Puerto Rico, Panamá, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, México, Perú, Ecuador, Ireland, France, Portugal and India.

In addition to teaching at AACC, Hogan trains educators around the state in three graduate courses: "The Kinesthetic Classroom I," "The Kinesthetic Classroom II" and "Engaging English Language Learners." She taught Spanish at the high school level for 14 years prior to coming to AACC. She was named Anne Arundel County Public Schools Teacher of the Year in 2013 and Maryland Foreign Language Association Teacher of the Year in 2012, in part for her willingness to practice innovative teaching techniques. Hogan is passionate about teaching and says there is no other profession in the world that she would choose over being an educator.

Hogan spearheaded the development of the Spanish certificate program so students can earn a tangible credential that shows how well they communicate in Spanish. Register for one of her classes to learn how proficiency in Spanish can enhance your personal and professional goals!


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School of Liberal Arts

Alicia M. Morse, Ph.D., dean


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