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New Student Board Member Sworn In

July 7, 2022

Conor Curran was sworn in as the student member of the AACC board of trustees July 6, 2022. Student trustees serve a one-year term as the voice of AACC's student body, and are full voting members of the board.

"As a fully voting student trustee, it's really important to voice the things that I see in our classrooms, in our campus, every single day," Curran said. "This college and this institution has so many opportunities for people across all ages, all backgrounds, to be able to further our education. I think that this college is really the workforce engine for Anne Arundel County, so (I) just want to continue those partnerships."

Curran is also the equity committee chair of the Anne Arundel County Joint Commission on the Opportunity Gap and the former chair of the Anne Arundel County Youth Advisory Council.

AACC was the first community college in Maryland to have a student on the board of trustees with full voting privileges, and the third community college in the nation to offer students this opportunity.

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Alicia Renehan
Public Relations Manager

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