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General Writing Center FAQs

Do I need an appointment?

All face-to-face Writing Center tutoring takes place on a walk-in basis. No appointment necessary! Our Zoom on Demand service offers drop-in online sessions.

If you prefer to schedule an online appointment, you can do so through the Virtual Writing Center in Canvas.

Why do I have to make the corrections on my own paper instead of having the tutor correct my paper for me?

It is your paper. Research shows that students who make their own corrections are more likely to remember what they have learned than students who have others mark up their papers for them. At the Writing Center, we want you to get a higher grade on the assignment you've brought to us, but more importantly, we want you to learn the concepts that will enable you to get higher grades on all your subsequent assignments.

Is there a charge for Writing Center tutoring?

All tutoring is provided free of charge (you are already paying for it with your tuition and fees, so you might as well come in and get your money's worth!).

How will my instructor know I came to the Writing Center?

Instructors receive an electronic feedback form sent directly to their email account.

What do I need to know when I arrive for a tutoring session?

You will need to be able to provide your 7-digit AACC Student ID, your instructor's name and your course number.

Is there a limit on the number of tutoring sessions I can attend?

Not at all. You are encouraged to bring multiple drafts of an assignment to the Writing Center.

Can I come for help with writing not related to a class?

We are happy to help with personal statements or other non-class-related writing at our in-person location or through Zoom on Demand. Virtual Writing Center sessions are reserved for current students seeking assistance with AACC coursework.

What if I am not currently taking classes at AACC?

Members of the public are welcome to use our in-person or Zoom on Demand services. Our Virtual Writing Center sessions are reserved for current students seeking assistance with AACC coursework.

Why do some sessions last longer than 30 minutes?

Most sessions last approximately 30 minutes. If there is no waiting list, tutors can extend sessions at their discretion.

Where can I print a copy of my draft or my assignment sheet?

You can use the computers and printers in the Technology Learning Center at Arnold. Computers in the Writing Center are exclusively for use by tutors.

Why does the tutor need to see my assignment sheet?

It is helpful to see your instructor's expectations in order to provide the best assistance.

What is proofreading, and why won't the writing center tutors proofread my paper?

Proofreading is going through one's draft to find typos and errors in punctuation, grammar, mechanics and usage. The assumption is that the writer knows how to avoid these errors. Proofreading is a student's responsibility, but tutors can teach students proofreading strategies they can employ on their own.

If tutors won't proofread, how can I get help with grammar and mechanics?

Just ask! Tutors will be glad to help you locate errors in grammar, mechanics and style, and then teach you how to correct these errors.

How do I enroll in the Virtual Writing Center?

In Canvas, select Student Resources, then Enroll in Virtual Writing Center. Enroll in the course, then go to the course. Select VWC Resources. Complete the Orientation Module and Readiness Survey to gain access to the booking app, from which you can make appointments with Writing Tutors or Research Librarians.

How will I share my draft with the tutor for an online session?

Enroll in the Virtual Writing Center through Canvas. Once you've enrolled, select Assignments and then select Essay Drafts. From there you'll be able to upload your draft.

What’s the difference between the Virtual Writing Center and Zoom on Demand?

Both services are staffed by equally qualified tutors and offer the same high-level assistance with papers in any course. Zoom on Demand offers online drop-in sessions, while the Virtual Writing Center allows you to schedule an appointment (at least 24 hours in advance).

Can I email my paper to a Virtual Writing Center tutor and get it back with comments?

No. All of our online assistance is on Zoom because we want to have a conversation with you about your writing and make sure that our suggestions make sense.

Do I need to go through the orientation and take the readiness survey each time I want to use the Virtual Writing Center?

Once you have completed the Orientation Module and earned 100 percent on the Readiness Survey, you always will have access to the scheduling application. To schedule an appointment, select VWC Resources and choose "Schedule an Appointment with a Writing Tutor or Research Librarian." You will continue to have access to the Orientation Module for reference.

What if I don't get 100 on the readiness survey?

Review the Orientation Module and take it again! All of the answers are in the Orientation Module and students are permitted to make multiple attempts.

I think I made an appointment, but I didn't get a confirmation email. What's going on?

If you did not type your email correctly when you booked your appointment, you will not receive a confirmation email or have access to the cancellation link should you need to cancel. Email Jessica Rabin, Ph.D., at for information about your appointment. And be sure to type your email address carefully!

I need a lot of help. May I schedule several appointments at once? How about scheduling two appointments back-to-back or on the same day?

We're glad to provide you with as much help as you need. It is fine to schedule multiple appointments at the same time, but be sure that you've given yourself time to make revisions after each session. Be careful – students who schedule multiple appointments are more likely to forget about an appointment, resulting in an attendance warning and potentially loss of access to the Virtual Writing Center. Because students are expected to revise their work in accordance with the assistance they receive each session, scheduling two Writing Tutor appointments back-to-back or on the same day is not permitted. (It is fine to schedule a Writing Tutor and a Research Librarian appointment on the same day.)

I'm taking classes on campus. May I still use the virtual writing center for online tutoring?


I'm taking classes online. May I still come to campus for in-person tutoring?


What if I need to cancel an appointment?

When you book your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email which includes a cancellation link. Select the link to cancel or email Professor Jessica Rabin, Ph.D., at with your cancellation request. Keep in mind cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

How do I access my online Virtual Writing Center session?

At least 12 hours before your session time, you will receive an email from your tutor with the Zoom link for your session. This message will come to the email address you provided at booking.

It is time for my session and I can't get into the tutoring environment. What should I do?

Check the email account that you entered when you booked the appointment. If you are not in the tutoring environment when your session is scheduled to begin, your tutor will send an email to the address you provided and will guide you through any difficulties you are experiencing.


We're here to help.

The Writing Center

Jessica Rabin, Ph.D.

Send Email

In-Person Walk-In Assistance

LBRY 136

Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Wednesday and Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

Zoom on Demand

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m.-noon

Hours are in place from Sept. 3-Dec. 14. Closed for Thanksgiving from 4 p.m. Nov. 27 through 9 a.m. Dec. 2.

Virtual Writing Center

Open seven days a week with appointment slots ranging from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Hours are in place from Aug. 26-Dec. 14. Open during college holidays.