Transfer agreements (or “articulation agreements,” as they’re officially called) are formal arrangements between institutions that allow certain credits to transfer seamlessly from one school to the other. AACC has established transfer agreements with dozens of schools in and outside Maryland for a variety of majors. This gives you lots of options for a smooth transfer.
Some articulation agreements are part of ARTSYS, the Maryland Articulation System, which is intended to aid your transfer from AACC to the University System of Maryland institutions and other participating institutions. Other agreements are established outside of ARTSYS as partnerships between AACC and individual institutions. You can find those partnerships and agreements below.
If you have any questions, contact a transfer advisor.
Fill out our Declare Your Transfer Pathway form if you are following one of AACC’s transfer guides. This will help the college gather information to understand which transfer pathways are most in demand and what changes might need to be made to help you transfer successfully to a four-year college or university. You can also let us know if you’d like for the four-year college or university of your choice to contact you.
The partnerships and agreements we've created help AACC students who are transferring from AACC to an outside institution. You'll find our top transfer schools in the tiles below along with additional transfer agreements and partnerships listed further down this page. Included will be transfer agreements with these schools that include guides that specify which AACC courses you should take if planning to transfer to a specific institution for the listed major.
AACC also has transfer agreements in place with the universities and colleges listed below.
Memorandum of Understanding
Associate Degree in Nursing to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Option:
A Collaborative Degree Option of the Anne Arundel Community College
and American Public University System, Inc.
This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into as of the date last signed below by and between Anne Arundel Community College, with principal offices at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012, and American Public University System, Inc., with principal offices at 111. W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 (collectively, "parties" or "institutions").
I. Summary
a. Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC") and American Public University System, Inc. ("APUS") agree to offer a collaborative option in which students will pursue an Associate of Science ( AS ) degree in Nursing at AACC, and then continue to complete a Bachelor of Science ("BSN") degree in Nursing at APUS.
b. This document shall be referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"), and the collaborative course of study which is the subject of this MOU is designated the Associates to Bachelors Agreement ("ATB").
II. Overview
a. The goal of the ATB is to increase the number of Baccalaureate prepared nurses in the community. This relationship will provide for an ease of transition and foster a relationship that encourages degree completion. Students will be simultaneously enrolled in both institutions during the time period in which they are earning the AS degree.
b. Following successful completion of the AS degree and NCLEX-RN® exam, students will be enrolled only at APUS for the completion of the BSN degree.
III. General Requirements
a. Students must meet application requirements for AACC as a degree-seeking student during the time they are enrolled in the AS degree portion of the curriculum.
b. Students must fill out the application and meet institutional admission requirements for APUS as a degree-seeking student during the entire time they are enrolled in the ATB.
c. Once accepted into Joint Admissions, students must be dually enrolled at AACC and APUS for the time period during which they are earning their AS degree in Nursing.
d. Students must meet programmatic screening requirements established by mutual consent of the two institutions for full acceptance into the ATB.
e. Students must meet programmatic progression policy requirements to meet academic rigor throughout matriculation. Procedures regarding disciplinary action and, as warranted, program dismissal, will be established by APUS and AACC to insure compliance.
f. The AS degree will be awarded by AACC upon successful completion of the nursing AS degree requirements.
g. Students must pass the NCLEX-RN® examination prior to enrollment in APUS NURS 421: Community Health I.
h. The BSN degree will be awarded by APUS upon successful completion of the BSN degree requirements.
IV. The Collaborative ATB Committee
a. A Collaborative ATB Committee, ("ATB Committee") composed of AACC and APUS representatives, will be designated to serve as the leadership for the ATB.
b. The ATB Committee's purpose will be to establish screening criteria, to draft and recommend policies and procedures for the efficient administration of the ATB, and to annually review this MOU and make recommendations for changes as appropriate. The ATB Committee will be cochaired by a representative from each institution and will meet no less than once every year.
c. Appointments to the ATB Committee will be made by the AACC Assistant Dean of Nursing and the APUS Assistant Dean.
V. Curriculum
a. APUS and AACC will identify one person from each institution who will be the primary contact person for the ATB and who will provide coordination between the institutions. Each party may designate a contact person by written communication to the other institution on an as-needed basis. The person so identified shall be designated the Institutional Representative ("IR").
b. The IR will propose curricular and/or programmatic changes, subject to approval by the respective institution. Any such changes that effect AS degree requirements will be submitted to the respective AACC curriculum approval body, which has responsibility for final approval.
c. Similarly, any such programmatic and/or curricular changes that affect the BSN degree requirements will be submitted to an APUS curriculum approval body, which has responsibility for final approval.
d. The AACC Assistant Dean of Nursing, in consultation with the IRs, will be responsible for assuring that the ATB's curriculum content meets accreditation requirements for the AS degree. This includes notification to the Maryland Board of Nursing and any accrediting agencies identified by the AACC Nursing Program.
e. The APUS Assistant Dean, in consultation with the IRs, will be responsible for assuring that the BS curriculum content meets accreditation requirements for the BSN degree. This includes notification to the Maryland Board of Nursing and any accrediting agencies identified by APUS.
f. AACC and APUS shall each retain control of their respective courses, programs, and credential requirements, for which they have responsibility under this MOU, including but not limited to materials, content and instructional methods. The parties shall give each other reasonable notice of changes in their respective courses, programs, and/or credential requirements that may materially affect a student's status, acceptance of degrees, or the transfer of credit as contemplated in this MOU. A student who is already enrolled in the ATB at the time of such changes will follow the courses, programs, and credential requirements then in effect.
VI. Admissions
a. Students will complete an ATB agreement with AACC, and pay all appropriate application fees to AACC. Students ATB agreement signature will grant permission to forward applications and/or related documents to APUS.
b. During the second semester of the nursing program and with the approval of the ATB coordinators, selected students will then complete the appropriate enrollment process for matriculation into APUS. APUS does not guarantee admission to any student; all students wishing to matriculate to APUS shall be subject to all of APUS's university and departmental admissions criteria.
VII. Administration
a. The ATB Committee shall oversee administrative issues related to admission processes, registration, billing, financial aid, student codes of conduct, academic standards, departmental standards, and other related student services for the ATB.
b. The ATB shall be administered in accordance with the policies and procedure of each institution. When in conflict the ATB Committee shall make a good faith effort to resolve conflicts and disputes between the institutions. Neither institution shall be required to contravene any internal policy or law in the completion of its duties under this MOU.
VIII. Student Services
a. Advising
i. Academic advising for the ATB requirements, including General Education and prerequisite requirements for entry into the AS Degree portion of the ATB will be the responsibility of both institutions.
ii. Advising may be provided by APUS or AACC personnel before the student is admitted to AACC. Once admitted, students will be assigned an AACC advisor for the duration of the AS degree portion of the ATB option, and an APUS advisor for the entire duration of the ATB option. AACC and APUS advisors will regularly confer about advisees.
iii. ATB information will be provided to each institution by the other institution for pre-advising purposes, so that each institution can knowledgeably respond to student questions about the option. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each institution is responsible for advising on its respective program and the ATB. In order to field general questions, each institution will provide the other institution with basic information regarding its program that may be used by the receiving institution for advising purposes. Any question received by an institution regarding the other institution's program not covered by the materials provided should be redirected to that institution.
iv. The ATB Committee will establish advisement and mentoring protocols, to be reviewed biannually, that address AS and BSN degree requirements for use by advisors in each institution. The protocols will address the kinds of support needed for programmatic success by students enrolled in an intensive academic option.
b. Campus Access
i. To the extent possible, web-based technology will be utilized for providing assistance with administrative procedures, including admissions, financial aid, registration and billing, grade collection and reporting, etc.
ii. Once admitted to the ATB option, students will have access to all student services at AACC, including but not limited to the library, recreation facilities, athletic events, etc. until the completion of the AS degree requirements on the same basis as other AACC students. Students will have access to all student and library services at APUS during the entire enrollment in the ATB option.
iii. Each party represents and warrants that it is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate with regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, or other lawfully prohibited reasons. Neither party shall discriminate with respect to acceptance of qualified applicants into the option.
c. Student Records
i. Student records for the AS Degree will be maintained by AACC.
ii. Student records for the BSN Degree will be maintained by APUS.
iii. Upon completion of an academic term, each of AACC and APUS will timely notify one another of the students' grades received. AACC and APUS also will timely notify one another during the course of an academic term of any information relevant to a student's registration and enrollment status, including without limitation any course or program withdrawals.
iv. All AACC credits for non-nursing courses associated with the ATB may be transferred to APUS in accordance with APUS's then-effective transfer credit policies. APUS will award credits upon passage of NCLEX-RN® consistent with APUS's then-effective transfer credit policies.
v. Each Party agrees to comply with any applicable privacy regulations outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 20 U.S.C § 1232g et seq. and 34 CFR Part 99 et seq. ("FERPA") for the handling of student information.
vi. No Party shall disclose or use any student information except to the extent necessary to carry out their obligations under this Agreement and as permitted by FERPA.
vii. Each Party will protect student information in a professional manner with due care and skill in accordance with its privacy policy, and all applicable laws, academic and industry standards.
ix. Any FERPA protected information released from one Party to another will be in connection with the recipient's capacity as a "School Official" with a legitimate educational interest in receiving such information.
x. Disclosure of student information for the purposes stated in this Agreement is conditioned on each Party's agreement not to re-disclose the information to any other party without student consent unless the information is re-disclosed on behalf of the Party as otherwise permitted by FERPA and the other Party is informed of the re-disclosure for record-keeping purposes.
d. Financial Aid
i. APUS will serve as the parent (home) institution for awarding and disbursing of federal financial aid during student matriculation in the ATB option. APUS will continue to award and disburse financial aid after the Associate degree has been awarded.
ii. AACC will join in a formal consortium agreement with APUS for administration of financial aid for the students in the ATB option.
e. Registration
i. All information related to registration, including course offerings and schedule of classes for courses required for the ATB will be available through AACC Nursing website and the APUS website, developed jointly through the ATB Committee or designee.
ii. Students will register for their AACC nursing courses through AACC, and for their APUS courses through APUS.
iii. AACC and APUS timely will share with one another information about the students' registration and enrollment status. AACC and APUS promptly will notify one another of any changes to the students' registration or enrollment status.
iii. Each of AACC and APUS separately will report students' enrollment status at their respective institutions to the National Student Loan Data System. (Typically, a student will be reported as enrolled full-time at no more than one institution.)
IX. Distribution of Tuition and Fees
a. Tuition and Fees
i. Students will be billed separately by each institution and will pay for tuition and fees separately to each institution.
ii. Students will be billed for AACC courses and fees at AACC rates and APUS courses and fees at APUS rates.
iii. Students pursuing coursework provided by AACC will adhere to the protocols and policies related to course registration, drop/add, and course withdrawal and issue of refunds as established by AACC.
iv. Students pursuing coursework provided by APUS will adhere to the protocols and policies related to course registration, drop/add, and course withdrawal and issue refunds as established by APUS.
v. Students will be considered dually enrolled in both institutions once they have been accepted into the ATB and as long as they continue to meet the qualifications for the option.
vi. APUS will be responsible for issuing refunds to students for APUS courses.
vii. AACC will be responsible for issuing refunds to students for AACC courses.
b. Expenses
i. APUS operating expenses (e.g., phone, copying, library and technology, office supplies, and travel) will be paid by APUS.
ii. AACC operating expenses (e.g., phone, copying, library and technology, office supplies, and travel) will be paid by AACC.
iii. APUS and AACC will establish a mechanism for each institution to contribute funds jointly to cover (a) marketing and promotional costs, e.g. open houses, printing, blast emails, promotional supplies, and (b) administrative expenses e.g., joint meetings, travel costs related to advisory board.
X. Faculty
a. The Nursing Program Administrator will determine all teaching assignments for the AS degree courses offered at AACC.
b. The APUS Assistant Dean will determine all teaching assignments for the ATB courses offered through APUS.
c. Each party shall be separately responsible for its faculty who teach its own courses in the option.
d. Each party shall be responsible for the actions and omissions of their faculty, administrators, employees, and agents who participate in the ATB program.
XI. Promotion and Publicity
a. During the term of this MOU, AACC and APUS shall develop and agree upon a mutually acceptable marketing and student recruitment plan to promote the ATB and inform students of the opportunities available at both institutions under this MOU.
b. Each party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for limited purpose of this Agreement, including marketing and advertising campaigns, only with the prior express written permission of the other Party. All uses of a Party's trademarks shall comply with such Party's guidelines for the use of its trademarks.
c. Any and all marketing, promotional, or other materials developed by one party to publicize this MOU must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other party prior to use of any such materials. Neither party shall use the name or marks of the other party in connection with any product, service, promotion, news release or other publicity, without the prior written consent of the party whose name or marks is under consideration.
XII. Review/Modification
a. This MOU will be reviewed annually by the ATB Committee.
b. This MOU may be modified only by written agreement signed by the authorized representatives of both parties.
c. Notification of substantial changes to the ATB or curtailment or discontinuance of the ATB will be submitted to the Maryland Higher Education Commission through a transmittal letter signed by the Presidents from both institutions and APUS's Provost and AACC's Vice President for Learning.
d. Neither party may assign this Agreement, its interest herein, or its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other.
e. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the parties. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create rights in or benefit any person or entity other than the parties.
f. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notices shall be provided to the following individuals:
i. For APUS:
American Public University System, Inc.
Legal Affairs
111 West Congress Street
Charles Town, WV 25414
With a copy to:
ii. For Host Institution:
Anne Arundel Community College
Vice President of Learning
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
With copy to:
General Counsel
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
g. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
h. In addition, notice of any action taken by either party and required to be reported to the other party under this MOU shall be mailed, certified delivery to the members of the ATB Committee representing both institutions.
i. If any portion of this Agreement is at any time held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or invalid or incompatible with any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation, then that portion shall be deemed to be omitted from this Agreement without affecting the force, effect or validity of the remainder of this Agreement.
XIII. Effective Date and Term
a. This MOU becomes effective upon signature by all parties and shall continue in effect unless terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this MOU upon 60 days' prior written notice to the non-terminating party.
b. In the event of termination, each party agrees that students enrolled in the ATB at the time of the written notice of termination is given may continue to participate in the ATB until such student has the opportunity to complete the required courses and earn a BSN degree. However, in no event shall this obligation survive for more than two years after the effective termination date of this MOU.
c. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the ATB described in the "Summary and Overview" sections and supersedes all previous agreements between the parties related to the option, whether written or oral. Nothing in this MOU creates an "academic program" or "division: or school of study, rather, this MOU represents the collaborative effort between the parties to purposefully coordinate courses at each institution.
We, the undersigned, approve this agreement on behalf of our respective institutions.
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Dawn Lindsay
April 14, 2021
Dr. Wade Dyke
April 10, 2021
Education Partnership Agreement
This Education Partnership Agreement is made and entered into, as of May 1, 2020 ("Effective Date") between American Public University System, Inc. ("APUS") and Anne Arundel Community College ("Institution") (individually a "Party" and collectively "Parties") (the "EPA") (collectively with any articulation agreements entered into between the Parties, which references this EPA, the "Agreement"). This EPA outlines how the Parties plan to work together to benefit Institution employees as well as the transfer of Institution students to APUS and will allow the Parties, where appropriate, to align programmatic agreements.
APUS and Institution hereby agree as follows:
1. Articulation Agreements. This EPA serves as a foundation for the Parties to articulate department and programmatic-level student transfers from Institution to APUS where the Parties may agree their respective academic programs align for student transfer. Any such transfer initiative shall be further documented in an articulation agreement, each of which shall be subject to this EPA and are incorporated herein by reference (each an "Articulation Agreement").
2. Program Integrity. Each Party shall maintain the integrity of its programs and enter into this EPA as separate and equal parties. 3. Student Advising and Outreach. APUS shall designate one or more points of contact to answer questions from potential Institution transfer students. The Parties will arrange for APUS to contact these students as needed by means mutually agreeable to the Parties. Institution shall provide an appropriate location for any in-person meetings between APUS and Institution students.
4. Marketing and Communications. Each Party agrees to publicize the Agreement as set forth below.
a. Each Party will assume responsibility for the appropriate marketing of the Agreement to their respective student, prospective student, faculty, and staff populations.
b. Each Party will designate a marketing point of contact, communicate this contact to the other Party, and update the other Party of any changes to this contact.
c. Each Party may provide at its website, a link to the other Party's website during the Term.
d. At least annually, the Parties will communicate updated degree requirements, admissions, and transfer information that may affect the Agreement.
e. Each Party grants to the other Party a royalty-free, nonexclusive, non-transferable revocable license during the Term to use its trademarks, name, and other identifying symbols (collectively, the "Marks") to fulfill any mutually agreed to promotional obligations; provided that use of the Marks shall be subject any usage guidelines provided by the granting Party. No sublicenses are contemplated by the Agreement and each Party will retain all rights in its respective Marks. Upon termination of this EPA, each Partly will promptly cease use of the other Party's Marks.
5. Enrollment.
a. An Institution student may be admitted and enrolled in APUS, and may graduate from APUS, in accordance with then-applicable regulatory requirements and APUS's then-current requirements and policies, which APUS shall at all times control and may modify in its sole discretion. As APUS students, these individuals will be subject to the financial obligations and fees of APUS, and may be considered for financial assistance at APUS, as determined by APUS. APUS may in its sole discretion offer discounts to students for enrollment in certain programs as may be further set forth in an Articulation Agreement.
6. Book Grants/Technology Fee Waiver. APUS will extend an undergraduate book grant to students, as applicable. APUS will waive any technology fee otherwise incurred by an Institution student who completes an associate degree at the Institution before transferring to APUS pursuant to this EPA.
7. Transfer Credit.
a. APIS agrees to provide Institution information about APUS's transfer credit and evaluation processes, which APUS may modify at any time and for any reason. The Parties shall notify each other in advance of any program changes that may affect these processes.
b. To the extent an Institution student completes courses at APUS that may satisfy an associate's degree requirement at Institution; such coursework may be reverse-transferred from APUS back to Institution in accordance with then-current APUS policy and procedure.
8. Partner Grant.
a. APUS shall offer eligible Institution employees the opportunity to purchase educational services along with a grant, creditable solely against the payment of APUS tuition, equal to 5% of the applicable, then-current APUS published tuition charged to non-military APUS students for courses that are part of an APUS degree or certificate program that is generally available to the public (such grant program, hereinafter, referred to as the "Partner Grant"). The Partner Grant shall not be offered, and may not be used, in conjunction with any other scholarship, grant, or discount programs that may be made available by APUS or to APUS students.
b. APUS shall make the Partner Grant available to an Institution employee who (i) is determined and verified by Institution to be an Institution employee and (ii) satisfies all of APUS's then current standard policies, rules, procedures, criteria, and requirements for admission and enrollment applicable to such Institution employee.
9. Term and Termination.
a. This EPA is effective as of the Effective Date identified above and will continue for three (3) years thereafter (the "Term"), and it shall renew automatically, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Section 9.
b. Either Party may terminate this EPA upon providing sixty (60) days written notice.
c. In the event that APUS or any regulatory authority determines that any of the terms or provisions of this EPA are in violation of, or conflicts with, applicable laws, regulations or rules, then APUS may immediately cease to comply with such terms/provisions, provide any related services, and terminate this EPA.
d. The Parties shall work in good faith to avoid any adverse impact to any student accepted or taking courses at APUS at the time of termination.
e. Any Articulation Agreement shall terminate upon the effective date of termination or expiration of this EPA.
f. Any terms that by their nature logically should survive, will survive termination or expiration of this EPA.
10. Other Rights and Responsibilities.
a. APUS may review at any time any Institution program for which transfer credits are contemplated to ensure the program satisfies APUS's academic standards.
b. Neither Party will make false, erroneous or misleading statements, representations, warranties or guarantees to its students, employees or other third parties with respect to the other Party.
c. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that it shall comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the U.S. Department of Education Program Integrity Regulations, and all other applicable laws, regulations, and accreditation requirements.
d. Each Party acknowledges that it may receive non-public information of the other party which may be marked as confidential or that should reasonably be understood to be confidential ("Confidential Information"). Each Party agrees to hold all Confidential Information in strict confidence and to not disclose Confidential Information or use it in any way, except in carrying out its obligations under the Agreement or to comply with applicable law.
e. Each party agrees to hold harmless the other party against all liabilities incurred by the other party resulting from any third-party claim, demand, or action, due to the party's violation of the Agreement. Neither Party will be responsible for any special, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with the Agreement.
f. APUS does not guarantee that use of its services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
11. Miscellaneous.
a. This Agreement does not create a joint venture, partnership, agency, employment, or similar relationship between APUS and Institution. This Agreement creates no rights in any third parties.
b. Each Party has the authority to enter into the Agreement.
c. The Agreement provisions are severable, and a legal determination that any provision is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
d. This is the entire agreement of the Parties regarding its subject matter, and it supersedes all prior agreements, representations and communications. The Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which are one and the same instrument. The Agreement may be modified by mutual written agreement of authorized Party representatives.
e. The Agreement will be construed and interpreted according to the laws of the state of West Virginia, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.
f. All notifications will be in writing and deemed given as of the delivery date. Notice will be sent to the attention of the representative set forth below or to such other representative as either Party may identify in writing. A copy of any notice to APUS must also be sent to Attention: Legal Affairs, 111
West Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 (
APUS Contact Information:
American Public University System, Inc.
111 West Congress Street
Charles Town, WV 25414
Attn: Academic Partnerships
Institution Contact Information:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this EPA to be signed by their authorized representatives on the date and year first written above.
Dr. Wallace E. Boston
American Public University System, Inc.
Dr. Dawn Lindsay
Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin
Consortium Agreement between
American Public University System and Anne Arundel
Community College Regarding Nursing Program
This Consortium Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the date last signed below by and between Anne Arundel Community College ("Host Institution"), with principal offices at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012, and American Public University System, Inc. ("Home Institution"), with
principal offices at 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414 (collectively "Parties").
WHEREAS, a consortium agreement is a written contract between two or more eligible institutions enabling students to take coursework at different institutions simultaneously for the purpose of completing a degree. Under such an agreement, students may take courses at the "host institution" and have those courses count toward the degree or certificate at the "home institution".
WHEREAS, the Parties wish to enter into a consortium agreement so that students may enroll in Host Institution's Associate of Science in Nursing ("ASN") program and complete a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing ("BSN") at Home Institution and receive financial aid for both programs through the Home Institution.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises, covenants, and conditions set forth, the Parties agree as follows:
I. Responsibilities of the Parties
A. Students may enroll in the Associate's to Bachelor's in Nursing program ("ATB Program") by entering into an ATB agreement in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding Associate Degree in Nursing to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Option: A Collaborative Degree Option of the Anne Arundel Community College and American Public University System, Inc. Students in the ATB program are considered degree seeking at both institutions (ASN at Anne Arundel Community College and BSN at APUS).
B. Students enrolled in the ATB Program may obtain federal financial aid for which students are eligible through Home Institution for courses taken at Host Institution.
C. After the student completes the ASN portion of this program, the student is no longer under the consortium agreement (i.e., the student becomes an APUS only student).
D. Home Institution's Responsibilities
1. Home Institution shall be student's home institution. Home Institution will grant the student's BSN degree.
2. Home Institution shall be responsible for processing, packaging, and disbursing all federal financial aid during the award period(s) when the student is enrolled at both institutions (i.e., their ATB terms) or enrolled only at the Home Institution.
3. Home Institution shall keep all records of student enrollment, financial aid (packages and disbursements), and satisfactory academic progress ("SAP") for students enrolled in the ATB Program.
4. Home Institution shall perform the Return of Title IV funds for students who withdraw from any courses associated within the ATB Program.
5. Home Institution shall correspond with students who need to supply additional paperwork to complete the financial aid verification process.
6. Home Institution will package eligible Federal Student Aid to students once all paperwork is submitted.
7. Home Institution shall accept grades from the Host Institution in the same way as if the coursework was taken at Home Institution itself. For example, if a "D" were not acceptable for a particular course taken at Home Institution, then a "D" from Host Institution for the same course would not be accepted as transferable credit(s).
8. Home Institution has determined that the courses at the Host Institution are equivalent to the courses creditable towards degrees at the Home Institution.
E. Host Institution
1. Host Institution will grant the student's ASN degree.
2. Host Institution shall be responsible for certifying the student's enrollment status, provide grades and any component of the cost of attendance as needed to the Home Institution.
3. Host Institution shall be responsible for notifying Home Institution's Financial Aid Office if any students in the ATB Program withdraw from courses.
4. Every semester, Host Institution shall provide Home Institution with the name of classes and corresponding credit hours for a student who is registered/enrolled in the ATB Program at the Host Institution.
5. Host Institution shall provide Home Institution with the cost of tuition and fees for the classes students are pursuing at Host Institution through the ATB Program each semester.
6. Host Institution will provide Home Institution with the grades students obtain at the conclusion of each semester.
7. Host Institution will award and manage any state grants and/or Institutional aid the student is eligible to receive.
8. Host Institution shall give access to the same academic and student support services that all Host Institution students receive, including access to online libraries, academic advising, and academic support services for students' ATB terms.
F. To receive loans from the Home Institution, the student's enrollment status (the combination of hours between the BSN and ASN programs) must be at least six credit hours.
II. Guidelines for Students
The Parties agree that the following guidelines will apply to students who are participating in the ATB Program:
A. Students must be degree seeking at Home Institution.
B. Each course taken at the Host Institution must be creditable towards the ATB program.
C. Students will be advised to make financial arrangements with Host Institution by the appropriate deadline for bill payment.
D. Students will adhere to all Host Institution policies while taking courses at the Host Institution including but not limited to: academic integrity and student conduct. With respect to courses taken at Host Institution, students may pursue any grievances through established Host Institution channels. With respect to degree requirements, transfer credits, financial aid, enrollment status, and Home Institution policies related to this agreement, students may pursue grievances via established Home Institution channels.
E. Consortium agreements are not applications for "extra" financial aid. Consortium agreements merely allow a student to get the same amount of financial aid the student would normally receive for registering for all of the student's classes at Home Institution. Furthermore, Home Institution does not automatically send funds to Host Institution on behalf of the student. Financial aid is only applied to a student's bill at Home Institution. If a credit balance is created by financial aid funds, then a credit balance payment is processed and released to the student. It is the responsibility of the student to use any credit balance payment to pay the student's bill at the Host Institution.
A. Each Party agrees to comply with any applicable privacy regulations outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C § 1232g et seq. and 34 CFR Part 99 et seq. ("FERPA") for the handling of student information.
B. No Party shall disclose or use any student information except to the extent necessary to carry out their obligations under this Agreement and as permitted by FERPA.
C. Each Party will protect student information in a professional manner with due care and skill in accordance with its privacy policy, and all applicable laws, academic and industry standards.
D. Any FERPA protected information released from one Party to another will be in connection with the recipient's capacity as a "School Official" with a legitimate educational interest in receiving such information.
E. Disclosure of student information for the purposes stated in this Agreement is conditioned on each Party's agreement not to re-disclose the information to any other party without student consent unless the information is re-disclosed on behalf of the Party as otherwise permitted by FERPA and the other Party is informed of the re-disclosure for record-keeping purposes.
IV. Trademarks
A. Each Party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for limited purpose of this Agreement, including marketing and advertising campaigns, only with the prior express written permission of the other Party.
B. Neither Party shall use i) the name, logos or trademarks of the other, ii) the name or likeness of any employee or officer of the other in connection with any product, service, promotion, news, release or other publicity without the prior written permission of the other Party and, if necessary, of the individual whose name or likeness may be under consideration.
C. All uses of a Party's trademarks shall comply with such Party's guidelines for the use of its trademarks.
V. General Provisions
A. Term and Termination
1. This Agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Party and shall continue in effect for a term of one (1) year.
2. This Agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) year terms, unless terminated by one of the Parties prior to expiration of the first or successive terms.
3. Either Party may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Party. In the event of termination, each Party agrees that students enrolled in the ATB Program at the time of the written notice of termination is given may continue to participate in the ATB Program until such student has the opportunity to complete the required courses and earn a BSN degree, insofar as such continuation is permitted under applicable law. However, in no event shall this obligation survive for more than two years after the effective termination date of this MOU.
4. The Parties agree to meet once every year to review the terms of this Agreement.
B. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.
C. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by an authorized representative from both Parties.
D. If any portion of this Agreement is at any time held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or invalid or incompatible with any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation, then that portion shall be deemed to be omitted from this Agreement without affecting the force, effect or validity of the remainder of this Agreement.
E. Neither party may assign this Agreement, its interest herein, or its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other.
F. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the parties.
G. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create rights in or benefit any person or entity other than the parties.
H. Counterparts
1. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.
2. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.
I. Notices
1. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier.
2. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier.
3. Notices shall be provided to the following individuals:
a. For Home Institution:
i. Jacob Witt
American Public University System
111 W. Congress
Charles Town, WV 25414
With a copy to:
b. For Host Institution:
i. Marcus Wright
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
With copy to:
General Counsel
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
4. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.
American Public University System
Robert Gay
Senior Vice President & Chief Operations Officer
Apr 9, 2021
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Michael H. Gavin
Vice President for Learning
Apr 14, 2021
A.A.S. – Business Management |
B.S. – Business (general business) |
A.A.S. – Information Assurance & Cybersecurity |
B.S. – Information Tech (general) |
A.A.S. – Massage Therapy |
B.S. – Health Sciences |
A.A.S. – Physical Therapy Assistant |
B.S. – Health Sciences |
A.S. – Business Administration |
B.S. – Business (general) |
A.S. - Computer Science |
B.S. - Technology (computer tech. focus) |
A.S. - Computer Science |
B.S. - Information Technology |
THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 15" day of January, 2017 by and between Excelsior College,a not-for-profit education corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal office located at 7 Columbia Circle, Albany, New York 12203 (hereafter referred to as "Excelsior") and Anne Arundel Community College, an education corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of Maryland, having its principal office located at 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 (hereafter referred to as "Partner").
Benefits Offered by Excelsior:
1. Excelsior will provide Partner graduates and employees who enroll in Excelsior after the effective date of this Agreement with a special discount from its stated fees and tuition, consistent with the pricing schedules, accessible through Excelsior's Academic Partners website, Tuition and fees ares subject to change at the sole discretion of Excelsior. Excelsior will provide Partner with thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any changes to the tuition and fee rates detailed on the aforementioned link.
2. Excelsior will guarantee admission to Partner graduates and employees according to the terms in this Agreement. To be guaranteed admission under this Agreement, graduates must transfer from Partner with an associate degree with a minimum GPA of 2.0, enroll in an Excelsior degree program and shall have paid all required Excelsior fees and hold an active RN license, if applying into the Bachelor of Science in nursing program.
3. Excelsior will offer eligible graduates and employees of Partner the ability to maximize their transfer credits, specifically the ability to transfer approximately 90 credits from Partner to Excelsior.
4. Excelsior will provide Partner with yearly transfer guides that demonstrate the transferability of coursework from Partner to Excelsior. Guides developed under this agreement are listed in Appendix A but additions, deletions and corrections may be made at any time, and will become effective when agreed upon by both parties.
5. Students, graduates and employees of Partner are eligible to receive personalized transfer evaluations demonstrating previously earned credits at Partner and other institutions to Excelsior.
6. Subject to Partner's policies and discretion, Excelsior will provide marketing materials to Partner in order to support internal promotion of partnership benefits.
Partner Contributions:
1. Subject to the Partner's policies and discretion, Partner will work with Excelsior to communicate the benefits of this Agreement and the many educational opportunities available at Excelsior.
General Terms
1. Upon transferring to Excelsior, each student will meet the academic requirements of his or her chosen degree by:
(a) completing a Partner associate degree and transferring all completed coursework from Partner. Credits from Partner Institution must be reflected in an official transcript and submitted in a sealed envelope. A grade of C or better must be attained in all transferred coursework; and/or
(b) completing coursework with Excelsior or through transfer from an Excelsior recognized source of credit. Excelsior puts no limit on the number of credits a student can transfer from another source of credit, as long as that credit meets degree requirements and comes from an approved source (; and
(c) completing Excelsior's Information Literacy and Capstone degree requirements.
2. Excelsior's standards for admission as well as all other student policies published at the time any student seeks enrollment will apply. This includes policies governing the recognition of transfer credits. Excelsior and Partner will work in collaboration to update student transfer guides on a yearly basis.
3. Excelsior will provide Partner with a depiction of its logo and approved text, and Partner is authorized to use such logo and text for promotional purposes in furtherance of this Agreement, provided that the material associated with each such use has been previously approved by Excelsior in writing. Likewise, Partner will provide Excelsior with a depiction of its logo, and Excelsior is authorized to use such logo for promotional purposes in furtherance of this Agreement, provided that the material associated with each such use has been previously approved in writing by Partner. Neither party shall use or display any trademark, trade name, service mark or other intellectual property of the other party without the prior written approval of that party. The text of all references by either party to the other party in any medium, whether print, electronic or otherwise, will require the prior written approval of the other party.
4. This Agreement may be terminated early by either party upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Upon termination, Partner's students will no longer be eligible for preferential pricing and will be notified within a reasonable time of changes to their student account.
5. The parties acknowledge the existence of a confidential relationship between them. In order to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, the parties may exchange or otherwise access or come into possession of the other party's confidential business and student information The parties understand and agree that all confidential information exchanged between them or otherwise accessed or obtained pursuant to this Agreement is strictly confidential, has been disclosed for business purposes only and must be maintained in strictly secure conditions at all times. Each party hereto further agrees to make no other use of the other party's confidential information disclosed pursuant to this Agreement, to refrain from disclosing such confidential information to third parties, to make the confidential information available only to those employees or agents with a need to know, to inform all such employees and agents of the confidential nature of the confidential information and to require each such employee or agent to agree to retain such confidential information in confidence. Both parties understand and agree to abide by the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC 1232g (FERPA) and related regulations at 34 CFR Part 99 regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records.
6. Each party hereto agrees to indemnify the other, and its trustees, officers, employees and agents and shall defend and hold each other harmless from and against any and all actions, claims, lawsuits, proceedings, demands, damages, judgments, liabilities, losses, penalties, fines, costs, settlements or expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees and other litigation expenses incurred by any indemnitee, arising from or occurring as a result of a claim brought by a third party arising through the fault, negligence, willful misconduct or other wrongdoing of the indemnitor.
7. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by the substantive law of the State of New York without regard to any conflicts of law principles.
8. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto with regard to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior understandings and agreements, whether written or oral. No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the parties.
9. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts (facsimile transmission or otherwise), each counterpart shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute but one Agreement.
10. A waiver of any of the terms and conditions hereof shall not be construed as a general waiver by either party, and either party shall be free to reinstate such term and condition without notice.
11. If any portion or provision of this Agreement shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and enforceable.
IN WITNESSW HEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Agreement effective on the date indicated above.
Excelsior College
Karen A. Halaco
General Counsel
Michael Gavin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning
The George Washington University
and Anne Arundel Community College
This Guaranteed Admission Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the date last signed below, by and between The George Washington University (“GW”), on behalf of its School of Medicine and Health Sciences (“SMHS”), a nonprofit corporation chartered by an Act of Congress, and Anne Arundel Community College (“AACC”), a public community college located in Arnold, Maryland.
WHEREAS, AACC offers an associate degree to students who have successfully completed the academic requirements of its program; and
WHEREAS, GW offers a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (“BSHS”) and a dual BSHS and Master of Science in Health Sciences (“MSHS”) degree to students who have successfully completed the academic requirements of its program; and
WHEREAS, GW and AACC recognize the need to facilitate the admission of students to GW who have successfully obtained an associate degree from AACC as they pursue a BSHS, or a dual BSHS and MSHS from GW, and resolve to adopt a guaranteed admission arrangement, in accordance with the terms and conditions herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
I. Program Overview
A. This Agreement applies to Students who:
1. are qualified to enroll at GW based on GW’s admissions requirements;
2. have completed an associate degree (A.A., A.S., or A.A.S.) from AACC; and
3. who desire to obtain either a (i) BSHS or (ii) BSHS and MSHS from GW through an established dual degree program in Health Sciences.
B. GW offers both clinical and non-clinical programs in Health Sciences.
II. General Admission Requirements and Eligibility
A. Students who desire to obtain a BSHS from GW and who have met the following criteria will have guaranteed admission to SMHS:
1. Completed an associate degree from AACC with the required courses for the desired Health Sciences program.
2. Completed each course with a grade of C or higher (students may repeat a course as long as they ultimately obtain a C or higher in each course. All grades will be factored into the GPA).
3. Graduated with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 (as shown on the AACC transcript). Please note, individual programs may have other GPA requirements in addition to the cumulative GPA of
2.75 earned. Please see individual program webpages for additional requirements: BSHS in Medical Laboratory Sciences, BSHS in Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproductive Technology, and BSHS in Molecular Diagnostic Sciences.
4. For clinical programs, have a science GPA of 2.5 or greater.
5. Completed the GW application process.
B. Students who desire to obtain a BSHS and MSHS through an established dual degree program in the Health Sciences and who have met the following criteria will be guaranteed admission to SMHS:
1. Completed an associate degree from AACC with the required courses for the desired GW programs.
2. For non-clinical programs, have a cumulative GPA from all coursework of 3.3 or greater.
3. For clinical programs, have a cumulative GPA from all coursework of 3.0 or greater, a GPA of 2.5 or greater in Science coursework.
4. Completed the GW application process.
C. AACC students who do not satisfy the admission requirements set forth above for guaranteed admission may be considered for admission by GW and will be processed as a regular transfer admission, but admission will not be guaranteed.
III. Requirements
A. The prerequisites for eligible students, who have completed an associate’s degree from AACC and a desire for a BSHS are outlined in the Health Sciences GAA website: Guaranteed Admission Agreements | The School of Medicine & Health Sciences (
The BSHS degree requires the successful completion of 120 credit hours (minimum 60 credit hours taken at GW and advanced standing and electives taken as part of a completed associate’s degree. ). Students must complete a drug screen and criminal background check in the first semester of enrollment. General education courses are required and must be completed as part of or in addition to the associate degree before enrolling at GW. General Education courses, which must be completed at AACC include the following:
• 6 credits in English composition;
• 3 credits in humanities;
• 3 credits in college math (college algebra, statistics, or higher)
• 6 credits in social sciences
• 4 credits of natural or physical science with lab
• Advanced Standing and Electives (Taken as part of a completed associate’s degree)
The completion of an associate degree may not satisfy all prerequisites required for entry into all BSHS degree programs. For a detailed listing of program-specific prerequisite requirements, visit the School of Medicine and Health Sciences website at Health Sciences Programs | The School of Medicine & Health Sciences ( and Guaranteed Admission Agreements | The School of Medicine & Health Sciences
IV. Application Process
A. The GW SMHS application fee for guaranteed admission pursuant to this Agreement will be waived. Profession-based Centralized Application System fees will still apply.
B. Eligible students will not need to submit a Letter of Recommendation as a part to the admission application process.
V. Responsibilities of AACC
A. AACC agrees to disseminate accurate information to AACC students regarding the conditions for the guaranteed admission to GW as set forth in this Agreement by posting the Agreement on the AACC website.
B. AACC agrees to provide academic advising services to assist AACC students in completing the qualifying degree program.
VI. Responsibilities of GW
A. GW agrees to provide academic advising services to AACC students who apply to SMHS to assist these students in making a smooth transition from the community college to GW.
B. GW agrees to provide tracking data to AACC regarding the performance of AACC students at GW, including credits presented and accepted in transfer, GW courses attempted and completed, cumulative GPA, major, graduation date from GW, and comparisons with non- AACC students. The specific data elements of the report will be determined by AACC and GW and provided by July 1 of each year.
VII. Responsibilities of Students
A. Students who apply to GW will be responsible for understanding the requirements for the BSHS or MSHS programs at GW.
B. Students who apply to GW will be responsible for following the GW application and admission processes and timelines.
VIII. Miscellaneous
A. Term and Termination.
1. The term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years and will commence on the last date signed below. This Agreement may be renewed for additional periods if the parties agree in writing.
2. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties in writing.
3. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon one-hundred and eighty (180) days' notice in writing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, AACC students accepted for admission to SMHS at the time any notice of termination is received shall be permitted to complete their program under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. No new AACC students shall be admitted to SMHS with guaranteed admission after either party receives Health Sciences notice of termination.
B. Intellectual Property. Each institution reserves all ownership rights to the course materials they develop and utilize for their respective programs.
C. Review of Agreement.
1. AACC will designate officials who will be responsible for all aspects of the Agreement at AACC. GW will designate individuals responsible for all aspects of the Agreement at GW.
a. The GW representative will be the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management. The AACC Representative will be the Dean, School of Health Sciences.
2. Both GW and AACC agree to review the Agreement a minimum of every three (3) years and to recommend adjustments or amendments as deemed appropriate to maintain the integrity of each institution as well as for the improvement of the transfer process and student articulation.
D. Status of the Parties. The parties agree that no students or faculty of one party shall be considered an employee, agent, contractor, or representative of the other party for any purpose including, but not limited to, workers' compensation and employee benefits. The parties expressly understand and agree that this Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to create the relationship of agent, servant, employee, partnership, joint venture or association among the parties, but is rather an agreement by and among independent parties.
E. Assignment or Subcontract. This Agreement shall not be assigned or subcontracted by a party without the written approval of the other party which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
F. Notices. All notices related to this Agreement shall be deemed properly issued if given in writing and hand delivered or sent by e-mail (receipt acknowledged), or mailed (registered or certified mail, return receipt requested), with all postage or other charges prepaid to:
If to GW: Robert H. Miller
Vice Dean for Research and Academic Affairs
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
The George Washington University
2600 Virginia Ave. Suite 506
Washington, DC 20037
If to AACC:
Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
With a copy to:
General Counsel
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
G. Severability. If any provision of the Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this Agreement, to the extent that the substance of this Agreement remains intact, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
H. Waiver. Any waiver of any provision hereof shall not be effective unless expressly made in writing and executed by the party to be charged. The failure of any party to insist on performance of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any rights granted hereunder or of the further performance of any such term, covenant or condition, and the obligations of the parties with respect thereto shall continue in full force and effect.
I. Compliance with Applicable Laws. The parties agree to comply with applicable laws, regulations, rulings, and standards and amendments thereto, of all entities that regulate, license, govern and/or accredit the parties, including, but not limited to, federal, state and local governmental entities.
J. Other Affiliations. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit any party from affiliating or contracting with any other entity for any purpose whatsoever.
K. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties regarding the subject matter of the Agreement and supersedes any prior agreements, releases, or stipulations, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties relating to such subject matter. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement executed by the parties.
L. Indemnity. Each Party shall be responsible for any and all costs, damages, claims, liabilities or judgments which arise as a result of the negligence of its employees.
M. Insurance. Each Party shall carry general and professional liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate along with workers compensation coverage for the duration of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE and THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.
The George Washington University
By: Barbara L. Bass
Vice President for Health Affairs; Dean, School of Medicine and Health Science;
Chief Executive Officer, The GW Medical Faculty Associates
February 23, 2024
By: Christopher Alan Bracey
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Feb 28, 2024
Anne Arundel Community College
By: Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Mar 1, 2024
By: Elizabeth Appel, MSW, LCSW-C
Dean, School of Health Sciences
Anne Arundel Community College
Mar 1, 2024
Hood College and Anne Arundel Community College Transfer Policy Agreement
This Enrollment Agreement ("Agreement") between Hood College, 401 Rosemont Avenue, Frederick, MD 21701 and Anne Arundel Community College (hereafter referred to as "AACC") 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 is effective January 30, 2019.
Whereas both entities recognize the need and importance of facilitating the transfer of students from AACC to Hood College as these students pursue their educational goals; and
Whereas Hood College and AACC recognize that to enhance students' transition, this Agreement between Hood College and AACC shall be established; and
Whereas Hood College and AACC have entered into this Agreement in the spirit of cooperation, mutually recognizing each other as quality institutions of higher education. An important consideration of this Agreement is to encourage and enable AACC students who desire to transfer to Hood College to complete an associate degree prior to transfer or post-transfer through the reverse transfer program. Students who transfer to Hood College with an A.A., A.S. or A.A.T. degree from a community college in Maryland will have met all Hood College Core Curriculum requirements. (Three additional credits are required for the Global Perspectives course requirement at Hood, if not previously taken; this is the sole Core Curriculum course that is not automatically completed when a student completes an A.A., A.S. or A.A.T. degree.)
Benefits to AACC Students
AACC students with at least 15 transferrable credits who enroll full-time at Hood College will be eligible for a transfer merit scholarship based on full-time admission. The scholarship will be renewable for a specific number of semesters, determined at time of admission; the student will need to maintain a minimum GPA in their course work at Hood to maintain their scholarship. The GPA requirement varies based on the scholarship level, and will be cl
early articulated in the student's scholarship award letter. Students who elect to live on campus will be guaranteed on-campus housing.
Students who are transferring with fewer than 24 transferrable credits will be required to submit an official copy of their high school transcript for review; however, only credits earned after high school will be taken into account when determining the merit scholarship offer. Hood College will accept up to 30 credits of non-traditional credit (military, CLEP, AP, etc); technical and vocational credits (e.g., auto mechanics, etc.) will not be counted as transferrable credit. Students can transfer a maximum of 62 total credits to Hood College.
Merit Scholarship Name | Amount | Minimum Required GPA(transferable courses only, cumulative GPA from all post-high school institutions) |
Founders' Scholarship |
50% of tuition |
3.50 |
Trailblazer Scholarship |
33% of tuition |
3.00 |
Recognition Award |
25% of tuition |
2.50 |
1. The above scholarship structure is subject to change, please refer to the most recent scholarship levels on the Hood College website (
2. AACC students not already eligible for the Founders' Scholarship may be considered for an increase to their transfer merit scholarship amount, based on an on-campus interview.
3. AACC students who transfer to Hood College and enroll on a full-time basis will be awarded a special Anne Arundel Community College Scholar Scholarship in the amount of $500 per semester. This scholarship will be awarded in addition to the student's merit scholarship and will be renewable for the same number of semesters as a student's merit scholarship.
4. AACC students will have a designated Transfer Counselor (non-academic) to provide general college information and resources.
To be admitted to Hood College, students must complete the following steps:
Students interested in the associate degree completion program through reverse transfer of credit must complete a Request Transcript Authorization Form, available on the Hood College Self-Service site.
AACC will be responsible for
1. Advising all students regarding courses needed to complete an associate degree or coursework needed to complete the reverse transfer program. Students may also utilize ARTSYS ( to determine the transferability of credits.
2. Notifying students of transfer opportunities to Hood College by posting links to the agreement on the AACC Transfer website (
Hood College will be responsible for
1. Ensuring that all AACC students who apply for transfer to Hood College are considered on the same basis for admission to competitive programs, registration, financial aid, scholarships, priority student housing, parking and any other opportunities open to all students.
2. Providing contact and resource information from Transfer Counselor (non-academic) for transition and continuing orientation programs and resources.
3. Providing annual transfer reports to AACC. Transfer reports will include data and information on AACC transfer students that are currently enrolled at Hood College. Transfer reports should include data and information regarding student demographics, number of credits transferred, program of study, scholarship awardees, number of students that have been conferred a bachelor's degree, and other pertinent information.
Review of the Agreement
Hood College and AACC will review this agreement every three years to make adjustments as deemed appropriate to maintain the integrity and for the improvement of the transfer process and student articulation. Changes will not adversely affect students already enrolled under the provisions of the existing enrollment agreement.
The enrollment agreement will remain in effect until terminated by either party upon written notice. Such notice should be given one year in advance of the date of termination so that students who entered under the enrollment agreement may take advantage of its terms for two calendar years after termination becomes effective.
Dr. Andrea Chapdelaine, President
Hood College
Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Michael Gavin, Vice President of Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Honors Addendum
AACC transfer students who are admitted to the Hood College Honors Program will be awarded a $1,000 per semester Honors scholarship. Students will be offered admission to the Hood College Honors Program once they have met the following criteria:
Through a combination of classroom instruction and co-curricular activities, the Hood College Honors Program offers a challenging academic experience that encourages both independent and collaborative learning. Transfer students who are accepted into the Hood College Honors Program are required to successfully complete the following:
To graduate from the Honors Program, students must earn a C-or better in all Honors courses and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Other Provisions
A.A. - Transfer Studies: Chemistry |
Pharm.D. - Doctor of Pharmacy |
This Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") is made as of the date last signed below ("Effective Date"), by and between Anne Arundel Community College ("College") and Howard University (individually, a "Party" or "Institution" and collectively, the "Parties").
Whereas, Howard University located in Washington, D.C., through its College of Pharmacy, has a long and distinguished history of educating students from diverse backgrounds for careers in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences; and
Whereas, AACC located in Arnold, Maryland has a long and distinguished history of providing education in the humanities, mathematics, and sciences for students from diverse backgrounds; and
Whereas, both Parties are interested in increasing the number of minorities in the professional field of pharmacy; and
Whereas, Howard University and AACC agree to work cooperatively to recruit and facilitate the entry of minority practitioners into the field of pharmacy by developing a joint program leading to the Associate degree from AACC and the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) degree from Howard University.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants contained herein and of the following promises and conditions set forth, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
Howard University, through the College of Pharmacy (hereinafter "College of Pharmacy") agrees to:
AACC agrees to:
Mutual Terms
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.
Howard University:
BY: Anthony Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Anne Arundel Community College:
BY: Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vide President for Learning
Honors-to-Honors Articulation Agreement Between
McDaniel College and Anne Arundel Community College
This honors-to-honors articulation agreement is designed to encourage and streamline the transfer process for honors students with proven records of success. Helping high-quality honors students transfer from Anne Arundel Community College to McDaniel College perpetuates excellence through honors learning.
Students interested in transferring from Anne Arundel Community College's Honors Program to McDaniel College's Honors Program must:
To graduate as a College Scholar from McDaniel College's Honors Program, students must meet the following requirements:
Honors Program opportunities and privileges include: study abroad, co-curricular activities, Honors housing, priority registration, Honors study space, extended library loan, Honors alumni network, official recognition of College Scholar status, and participation in state, regional, and national honors conferences.
In recognition of the 12 credits of honors coursework completed in the Anne Arundel Community College Honors Program, the McDaniel College Honors Program will waive three honors modules from its program requirements, upon acceptance to the program. Students will be expected to complete the remaining course requirements of the McDaniel Honors Program (including HON 1101 Leading Change, HON 2201 Great Works one honors module, HON 4491 Senior Honors Colloquium, Completion of a College Scholars Project).
Students admitted to McDaniel College's Honors Program will automatically be considered for the following scholarships:
Both institutions agree to share information on program updates, scholarships, curricular and program changes, and all processes relative to this agreement on an annual basis. This agreement becomes effective upon the signing of both parties and shall continue in effect until both parties agree in writing to modify or terminate the agreement. Termination of the agreement shall become effective ninety (90) days after written notice is given.
McDaniel College
Dr. Roger Casey, President of the College
Dr. Jeanine Stewart, Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Dr. Sara Raley, Honors Program Director
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President
Dr. Karen Hays, Vice President for Learning
Dr. Michael Gavin, Associate Vice President for Learning
A.A.S. - Hotel Rest. Mngt./Hospitality Management |
B.A.S. - Hospitality Leadership |
Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) (Sending Institution)
Hotel, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Institute
Hotel/Restaurant Management-Hospitality Management
Missouri State University (Receiving Institution)
Department of Hospitality Leadership
Hospitality Leadership
Purpose of the Agreement
The purpose of this agreement is to build an educational pathway that leads to further student educational attainment and success.
Admission Requirements for the Receiving Institution
A. Missouri State University's admissions requirements apply to students who transfer under this agreement.
B. Students must fulfill all graduation requirements at both institutions.
Transfer of Credits and Credits Required within this Agreement
A. Missouri State University will accept 62 credits from AACC.
B. Courses will transfer according to the attached Recommended Academic Plan (Transfer Guide).
C. Total additional credits required at Missouri State University to complete the baccalaureate degree: 63.
Terms of Agreement and Review
A. The designees of both AACC and Missouri State University will implement the terms of this agreement.
1. The AACC designee is the director of transfer, articulation and career alignment.
2. The Missouri State University designee is the department head, hospitality leadership.
B. Review of this agreement will be done every 3 years.
C. This agreement will remain in effect until discontinued with thirty (30) days' written notice by either or both institutions. If this Agreement is terminated, credit awarded pursuant to this Agreement shall not be withdrawn from a student.
D. Both AACC and Missouri State University agree to communicate program changes in writing to avoid disruption to student success. This communication should include a revised Recommended Academic Plan (Transfer Guide) with highlighted changes from the institution reporting the change(s).
E. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, AACC and Missouri State University shall retain the right and authority to make changes in their respective courses, programs, and credential requirements they each may determine to be in their respective best interest.
F. Missouri State University agrees to provide AACC with both the number and percentage of AACC students who achieve degree completion at the receiving institution on an annual basis.
G. Each party may specify and make available to the other party its trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos or other commercial symbols (collectively, "Marks") in connection with this Agreement, and in so doing, each party grants the other party a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, non-transferable revocable license to use such Marks solely for the purposes of this Agreement. Before using the other party's name or Marks on any materials, including but not limited to emails, brochures, webpages, press releases or any other promotional or marketing materials, a party must send such materials to the other party for that party's prior written approval. When using any the other party's Marks, the Party using the Marks must follow the any trademark usage or guidelines provided by the party that owns the Marks.
General Provisions
A. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or ten (10) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notice shall be given to the following individuals:
lf to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Vice President of Learning
With a copy to:
If to Missouri State University:
Missouri State University
901 S. National
Springfield, MO 65807
Attn: Office of the Provost
With a copy to:
Either party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other party.
B. Neither party shall assign this Agreement or its interest therein or its rights or obligations thereunder without the prior written consent of the other. This Agreement sets forth the complete agreement and understanding of the Parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings between the Parties. This Agreement may be amended, modified or changed only by a writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties.
C. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the sovereign immunity of AACC.
D. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement may be signed electronically or delivered by electronic transmission shall be accepted as an original signature.
Special notations
This Agreement becomes effective on the 1st day of August, 2020.
Frank Einhellig, PhD
Missouri State University
Michael H. Gavin, PhD
Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Learn about the transfer resources at Old Dominion University.
A.A.S. – Addiction Counseling |
B.S. – Human Services |
A.A.S. – Human Services |
B.S. – Human Services |
Memorandum of Understanding
Old Dominion University (ODU) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)
Old Dominion University ("ODU") and Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC"), individually a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties", hereby establish this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate a clear student transfer process between the institutions for educational attainment beyond the associate degree level.
The purpose of this MOU is to establish terms and conditions under which ODU and AACC support educational opportunities for transfer students. Both institutions will work to establish a mutually beneficial relationship to build transfer pathways that serve the best interests of students.
NOW THEREFORE, Old Dominion University and Anne Arundel Community College hereby agree as follows:
Old Dominion University agrees to provide the following transfer support services to Anne Arundel Community College:
Anne Arundel Community College agrees to provide the following transfer support services to Old Dominion University:
Old Dominion University and Anne Arundel Community College agree to:
That this Memorandum of Understanding will remain in effect until modified by the parties or terminated without cause by either institution in writing. In the event of termination by either Party, transfer credits accepted by ODU prior to the termination date for AACC students will not be impacted and students currently enrolled in a program at ODU at the time of termination will be permitted to complete the program.
The Parties shall meet, at least annually, to review changes in curriculum, programs and credential requirements for the purpose of determining whether or if the Agreement should be amended.
Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party.
In witness whereof, the parties to this agreement through their duly authorized representatives have executed this MOU on the days and dates set out below, and assuring that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this MOU as set forth herein.
Dr. Bonnie Van Lunen
Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Old Dominion University
Dr. Tanya Millner
Provost/Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
A.S. – Business Administration |
B.S. – Business Administration |
A.S. – Nursing |
B.S. – Nursing |
Memorandum of Understanding
between Purdue University Global and Anne Arundel Community College
regarding a Streamlined Transfer Agreement
This agreement (the "Agreement") is made as of the date last signed below ("the Effective Date") by and between Purdue University Global, Inc., ("PG"). an Indiana nonprofit, public benefit corporation and postsecondary SEI Affiliated Educational Institution, as defined in Indiana Code 21-27-10, and Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC") college in Arnold, Maryland, to offer articulated transfer pathways where, after successful completion of AACC coursework, admissible AACC students will be able to transfer seamlessly to PG and enter a program track toward a PG Bachelor of Science.
I. Purpose of Agreement
The Agreement memorializes an initiative between AACC and PG to provide transfer pathways for AACC students (each, a "Transfer Pathway") including the responsibilities of each party and opportunities for students who choose to follow a Transfer Pathway, in an effort to enhance and facilitate degree completion at the respective institutions.
For each department, major, or track at either AACC or PG desiring to establish a Transfer Pathway, the parties shall enter into a separate addendum under this Agreement (each, an "Addendum"), specifying the the department, major, or track of AACC sending students to PG, the department, major, or track of PG awarding transfer credit, and other relevant information as is set forth in Exhibit A hereto, "Program Articulation Agreement".
The goal of this Agreement is to provide seamless transition from AACC's associate degrees to PG's bachelor degrees that offers AACC students incentives and structured transfer pathways for attaining a four-year baccalaureate degree from PG. In addition, this Agreement contributes to Maryland Higher Education Commission's completion initiative by increasing associate degree attainment and providing momentum for baccalaureate completion. This agreement sets expectations for administrators, faculty and staff at both institutions, and fosters a working relationship between the parties.
II. Agreement Review and Term
The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing on the Effective Date, at the end of which the Agreement may be renewed in writing by the parties every successive one (1) year periods unless terminated by either party as set forth below.
Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing ninety (90) days' written notice to the other party. During the notice period, the parties may discuss continuation of a formal relationship. If the Agreement is terminated, PG will continue to honor current transfer students from AACC under the expiring agreement terms. The parties shall meet, at least annually, to review changes in curriculum, programs and credential requirements for the purpose of determining whether or if the Agreement should be amended.
III. Guaranteed Admission
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, PG shall provide students graduating from AACC with an associate's degree the opportunity to seamlessly transfer to PG into any of the bachelor's degree programs offered by PG. PG's Office of Undergraduate Admission will retain the final authority in all admission decisions.
IV. Acceptance of Transfer Credits
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, PG shall accept transfer of AACC credits up to a maximum of sixty (60) applicable semester credit hours. Addenda hereto include articulated transfer pathways between AACC and PG.
V. Academic Planning
To facilitate a seamless transition, AACC students should work closely with their academic advisor at AACC to develop a comprehensive academic plan as early in their academic career as possible and prior to transfer. Students and advisors are encouraged to utilize a variety of advising resources including the 4 Year Transfer Guide (accompanying this agreement), AACC Catalog, PG Undergraduate Catalog, respective departmental websites, and ARTSYS (the USM online articulation database), to ascertain transferability of coursework.
VI. Academic Advising
Following admission to PG, students will have access to numerous advising tools including a Transfer Credit Report and a Degree Audit, detailing prior coursework transferability and applicability to university, general, and major requirements.
Prior to matriculation to PG, all new students may attend the new student orientation program. During orientation, students can meet with an academic advisor to review prior coursework, discuss academic interests and goals and register for the upcoming term.
Students will be assigned an advisor in their area of study. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor periodically.
Students, in consultation with their academic advisor, will develop an individualized degree plan for completion of all general education, graduation and major requirements as outlined in the PG Undergraduate Catalog. These requirements include a minimum of 180 quarter credits, of which at least 90 quarter credits must be earned at PG.
VII. Financial Aid and Transfer Scholarships
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required to be eligible for need-based aid. Students must indicate PG's school code 004586) when submitting the FAFSA. All students are encouraged to submit the FAFSA beginning October 1.
Students transferring from AACC to PG who meet the transfer admissions deadline as well as academic requirements applicable to all students, may be eligible for the following scholarships offered by PG:
- AACC students, graduates and employees will receive a 20% discount on PG undergraduate programs, and AACC employees will receive a 14% discount on PG graduate programs.
VIII. Reverse Transfer
PG will encourage students to complete their associate's degree at AACC. PG will promote reverse transfer to former AACC students who have transferred to PG without completing an associate's degree. Interested students must sign a FERPA* waiver to allow PG and AACC advisors to exchange student academic records to implement dual advising and promote reverse transfer opportunities. Reverse transfer data will be shared by administrators upon request.
*The parties will comply with all provisions of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERP A'') in all disclosures of FERPA protected information between AACC and PG. For example, the parties may be able to share personally identifiable information from a student's record for purposes related to a student's enrollment or transfer, per 34 C.F.R 99.31 (a)(2) and 99.34. In addition, pursuant to 34 C.F.R 99.31 (a)(6)(i), the parties may share with each other personally identifiable information from students' educational records without consent for the sole purpose of conducting studies to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or improve instruction. Also consistent with FERPA, the parties shall use reasonable methods to ensure that they provide only those education records that are necessary to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement may be construed to allow the parties to maintain, use, disclose, or share student record information in a manner not allowed under Federal law or regulation.
IX. Reports, Data and Information
PG shall provide annual transfer reports to AACC. Transfer reports will include data on AACC transfer students that are currently enrolled at PG. Transfer reports should include: student demographics, number of credits transferred, program of study, scholarship awardees, number of conferred bachelor degrees, number of reverse transfer students, and other pertinent information.
AACC and PG shall collaborate to the best of their abilities to provide data and reports to PG. Reports will include student enrollment information, enrollment breakdown based on programs at AACC, student demographic data, and other pertinent information.
X. Publicity and Promotion
During the term of this Agreement, PG and AACC may develop and agree upon a mutually acceptable marketing and student recruitment plan to promote this Agreement and transfer pathways to inform students of the opportunities available. Any and all marketing, promotional or publication materials developed by one party must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other party prior to use of any such materials. AACC agrees to promote transfer pathways to AACC students by allowing PG to place marketing materials in student service centered departments on campus and on the AACC Transfer Agreements website (
Upon the request of PG, AACC agrees to send email mailings to AACC students biannually (fall and spring) on behalf of PG to current AACC students with 45 credits or more that are in articulated or parallel programs with PG. PG will incur all cost for outreach mailings.
XI. Program Administrators
The parties designate the following individuals to serve as administrators under this Agreement:
AACC Program Administrator
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career Alignment
PG Program Administrator
Michelle Lavelle
Director of Community College Partnerships
XII. Entire Agreement and Amendments
This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties.
XIII. Non-Waiver
The failure of either party to insist, in any one or more instances, on the performance of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, or to exercise any of its rights, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such term, covenant, condition or right with respect to further performance.
XIV. Mutual Royalty Free License
The parties grant to each other a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use each other's trademarks, logos and other marks in furtherance of the articulation coordination detailed herein or in a manner solely for the purpose of identifying and communicating the existence of the relationship to AACC students. The license with respect to PG's marks shall be limited to the PG name and logo. Use of the names and logos will be in accordance with any use guidelines provided by each party to the other. AACC agrees to use the PG mark and logo in accordance with the brand guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Each party agrees that the other's use of the mark(s) must be approved by such party and used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, applicable law, and any trademark usage guidelines as may be provided by any party to the other.
XV. Severability
Each provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a separate, severable and independently enforceable provision. The invalidity or breach of any provisions shall not cause the invalidity or breach of the remaining provisions hereof.
XVI. Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed an original. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.
XVII. Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. Any legal proceedings brought pursuant to this Agreement shall be brought only in the state courts of Maryland.
XVIII. Non-Assignability
Neither Party shall assign this Agreement or its interest herein or its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party.
XIX. Exhibits
Any exhibits, attachments or addenda referenced in this Agreement, whether or not physically attached hereto, are incorporated into and made part of this Agreement.
XX. No Partnership
Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it be deemed, to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the parties. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it be deemed to create rights or benefits in or to any person or entity other than the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it be deemed to create an agreement between UMGC and any one or more Program Participants.
XXI. Sovereign Immunity
Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the sovereign immunity of AACC.
In witness whereof, the parties, by their authorized representatives, sign below:
Michael H. Gavin, PhD
Vice President of Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Oct 14, 2020
Jon Harbor, PhD
Purdue University Global
Oct 14, 2020
Exhibit B Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum supplement is incorporated and becomes part of the Memorandum of Understanding into by Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC") and Purdue University Global ("PG") on the the date last signed below (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of PG.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
If to PG:
Purdue University Global
9000 Keystone Crossing, Suite 800
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Attn: Michelle Lavelle
Dept: Community College Partnerships
Phone: 317-629-0090
All notices shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of PG selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or PG, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
Karen Cook, Esq.
Dean, School of Business and Law Provost
Anne Arundel Community College
Oct 13, 2020
Jon Harbor, PhD
Purdue University Global
Oct 14, 2020
Exhibit C Program Articulation Agreement
Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding
This Addendum supplement is incorporated and becomes part of the Memorandum of Understanding into by Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) and Purdue University Global (PG) on the date last signed below (the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Addendum shall terminate upon termination or expiration of the Agreement. In the event that the Agreement is renewed, or that the parties enter into a new Memorandum of Understanding, this Addendum shall continue in effect during the renewed or new Agreement duration, unless the parties explicitly state in writing otherwise.
This Addendum establishes a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Transfer Pathway in which students from the selected department, major, or track of AACC may seamlessly transfer into the selected department, major, or track of PG.
The contacts for each party for all notices and other correspondence related to this Addendum are listed below:
If to AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD, 21012
Attn: Marcus Wright
Dept: Office of Instructional Partnerships
Phone: 410-777-2777
If to PG:
Purdue University Global
9000 Keystone Crossing, Suite 800
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Attn: Michelle Lavelle
Dept: Community College Partnerships
Phone: 317-629-0090
All notices shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) business days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.
For each department, major, or track of AACC and department, major, or track of PG selected for a Transfer Pathway, both institutions agree that faculty representatives from both institutions will meet regularly to engage in ongoing discussion to enhance and strengthen this collaboration, update pathways whenever substantive changes in the program(s) occur at either AACC or PG, provide a Transfer Guide attached hereto and incorporated herein which details a course of study at AACC where course equivalencies, general education and major applicability are indicated.
Elizabeth Appel, MSW, LCSW-C
Dean, School of Health Sciences Provost
Anne Arundel Community College
Oct 14, 2020
Jon Harbor, PhD
Purdue University Global
Oct 14, 2020
A.S. – Business Administration Transfer |
B.S. – Business Administration |
A.A.S. – Human Services |
B.S. – Human Services |
A.A.S. – Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
B.S. – Criminal Justice |
A.S. – Nursing |
B.S. – Nursing |
A.A.S. – Physical Therapist Assistant |
B.S. – Health Sciences |
A.A. - Psychology - Arts and Sciences Transfer |
B.A. - Psychology |
A.A.S. - Radiologic Technology |
B.S. - Health Sciences |
A.A.S. - Surgical Technology |
B.S. - Health Sciences |
Southern New Hampshire University – College of Online and Continuing Education
Anne Arundel Community College
Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and Anne Arundel Community College, in the spirit of academic cooperation, and in order to facilitate the transfer of graduates of Anne Arundel Community College to Southern New Hampshire University - College of Online and Continuing Education (SNHU COCE), hereby do enter into an academic articulation agreement. Successful implementation of the Agreement is dependent upon communication of its content to all involved participants and the assumption of responsibility by both institutions for such communications.
All notices and other communications required hereunder by either party to the other shall be in writing, delivered personally, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by overnight courier, and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally or received when using overnight courier or three business days after being deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
If to Southern New Hampshire University:
Gayla Freelon, Regional Director, Academic Alliances
Southern New Hampshire University
College of Online and Continuing Education
2500 North River Road
Manchester, NH 03106
If to Anne Arundel Community College:
Marcus Wright, Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment
Office of Instructional Partnerships
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012
or to such other persons or places as either party may from time to time designate by written notice to the other.
Dr. Gregory Fowler, Ph.D.
President, Global Campus
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Jennifer Batchelor, PhD.
Vice President Academic Programs, Global Campus
Southern New Hampshire University
Manager of Agreement
Gayla Freelon
Regional Director, Academic Alliances
Southern New Hampshire University
College of Online and Continuing Education
Dr. Dawn Lindsay
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Michael Gavin
Vice President of Learning
Anne Arundel Community College
Manager of Agreement
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career Alignment
Anne Arundel Community College
A.S. - Business Administration |
B.S. - Business Administration |
A.A.S. - Business Management |
B.S. - Business Administration |
The following AACC academic programs will considered "related degree programs" to Strayer University academic programs. All courses in these programs will transfer into the corresponding Strayer University program.
AACC Program | Related Strayer Program |
AAS Computer Information Systems - Database Administration Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Database Technology Concentration OR Bachelor of Science in Information Systems |
AAS Computer Information Systems - Programming/ Analysis Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Programming Technology Concentration OR Bachelor of Science in Information Systems |
AAS Computer Information Systems - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Cyber Security Concentration OR Bachelor of Science in Information Systems - Cybersecurity Management concentration |
AAS Computer Information Systems - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity - Cyber Forensics Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Digital Forensics Concentration OR Bachelor of Science in Information Systems - Computer Forensics concentration |
AAS Computer Network Management | Bachelor of Science in Information Technology |
AS Computer Science Transfer- Computer Information Systems Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Systems |
AS Computer Science Transfer- Management Information Systems Option | Bachelor of Science in Information Systems |
AS Business Administration Transfer | Bachelor of Business Administration |
AAS Financial Accounting | Bachelor of Science in Accounting |
AAS Business Management
Bachelor of Business Administration - see concentration match up
Strayer University will evaluate and accept all transfer credit as appropriate, even if a student has not completed one of the degree programs listed above.
Articulation Agreement
Between Anne Arundel Community College
and Strayer University
This articulation agreement is designed to coordinate transfer policies, enhance advising, and promote the acceptance of the transfer of associate degrees from Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) to Strayer University (SU).
A. Admissions Practices and Acceptance & Application of Credit
1. SU agrees that if an AACC student satisfactorily completes any related associate degree, as outlined in the addendum, and presents the appropriate transcript documentation of such to the Registrar of SU, the following general principles apply:
a. AACC students who have an AACC cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 are guaranteed admission to SU. Once admitted, students are subject to all other policies and procedures, including residency requirement of SU, as outlined in the SU catalog.
b. All courses required to complete the specific related associate's degree program will be transferred into the bachelor's program in their entirety, including "C-" and "D" grades, allowing the student to complete a related degree program at SU in about two years of full-time study. These courses are subject to SU policies, including a ten-year limitation on courses in accounting and computer-related areas.
c. Prior Learning Activity and other life experiences credits already evaluated as part of the associate degree program will be brought in with the degree.
2. Although students are encouraged to complete an associate degree prior to transfer, SU will accept applications from all AACC students. Students transferring without an associate degree will have credits evaluated on a course by course basis. Only courses in which a grade of "C" or higher was earned are eligible for transfer.
3. Students can transfer a maximum of 126 quarter credit hours or 84 semester credit hours. Servicemembers Opportunity College (SOC) students may transfer up to 135 quarter credit hours.
4. If a student does not have the prerequisite for a 300 or 400 level course at SU, he or she may be required to take the prerequisite course before taking the upper division course.
5. SU will evaluate courses/credits earned through Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), or other testing programs. SU also will evaluate courses/credits earned at other institutions. Students seeking credit for these courses must provide the university with official transcripts for evaluation.
6. Students enrolling under this agreement will be subject to all Strayer University policies as outlined in the Strayer University catalog.
B. Implementation of the Agreement
1. SU and AACC will review this agreement every three years.
2. Upon request, SU will provide AACC reports on enrolled AACC transfer students, their majors, and academic performance to the extent permitted by law.
3. SU and AACC agree to assist each other in promoting this agreement appropriately in their respective promotional materials, events, web sites, and reports and through the sharing of mailing/email lists, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
4. SU will encourage AACC transfer students to complete the appropriate Associate Degree prior to transfer to SU or by reverse transfer of course credit once matriculated at SU. SU will notify AACC students after they have completed a total (transfer and SU credits) of at least 90 quarter hours (60 semester hours) that they may be eligible to complete an Associate Degree at AACC via reverse transfer.
5. This agreement may be amended, as necessary, for specific program articulation without affecting the master agreement.
6. This agreement will remain in effect until terminated by either party on ninety (90) days prior written notice. All notices to be given shall be delivered in writing as follows:
If to SU:
Nicole Morris, Ed.D.
Dean, Professional Studies
Strayer University
2303 Dulles Station Blvd.
Herndon, VA 20171
If to AACC:
Kathleen Beauman
Executive Director
Office of Instructional Partnerships
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Ludlum 204
Arnold, MD 21012
C. Additional Benefits Provided By Strayer University
1. SU, including the Jack Welch Management Institute, agrees to provide employees and their immediate family members (i.e., spouses, domestic partners, and dependent children) of AACC a discount of I 0% off of our standard tuition rates published in our Catalog.
SU will offer all AACC employees this discount upon presentation of proof of employment. Such proof may be in the form of a letter on company letterhead or a recent paystub. To the extent AACC publicizes the programs of postsecondary educational institutions to its employees; AACC will include SU in such efforts.
SU will make arrangements directly with the employee/student for payment of all tuition, books, and incidental charges.
Andrea Backman, Ph.D.
Provost & Chief Academic Officer
Strayer University
Michael Gavin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning
Anne Arundel Community College