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A group of students sits at  table talking. Some are working on computers.

Are you looking for a transformative learning experience? Do you want to develop critical thinking skills and explore new subjects? Are you interested in getting involved in your community? Then Honors @ AACC might be right for you!

We're looking for students with high levels of interest, initiative and ability. If you're a degree-seeking student with less than 20 credits, Honors @ AACC can help you achieve academic rigor. No matter your major, you have the flexibility to participate in our program and receive recognition for your achievements.

As an Honors @ AACC participant, you can:

  • Work closely with faculty and other Honors @ AACC students on projects and activities
  • Present research and other projects
  • Graduate with an honors distinction
  • Gain a competitive edge when applying to your transfer institution
  • Participate in Honors @ AACC activities and events
  • Apply for Honors Scholarships for post AACC studies

What Our Students Say

Wayne Johnson, student, sits outside on campus wearing an AACC hoodie

“This program will provide students the opportunity to network with other Honor students, engage with their professors, and attend events on and around campus, even virtually. You can enjoy these benefits as a part-time, full-time, on-campus, or online student. When you think of the Honors program at AACC, think about making a difference, whether you make a difference on the Honors Program, or the Honors Program makes a difference on you. In the end, there will be a difference for the better.”

Wayne Johnson
Class of 2024

How Can You Participate?

Once admitted, you will:

  • Take 12 credits of honors coursework.
  • Complete 20 service hours throughout your time at AACC.
  • Participate in at least one honors event each term.

If you can achieve this while maintaining a 3.4 GPA each term, you will have successfully completed the program.  

Applying to Honors @ AACC

Interested in increasing the rigor of your academic journey? Apply to Honors @ AACC! Due to the parameters of the program, the earlier in your AACC tenure you apply, the easier it will be to meet the program requirements.

The following materials will be collected on the application and reviewed by the Honors Advisory Committee prior to making an admission decision:

  • Evidence of Academic Potential: While there is no minimum GPA to join the program, the Honors Advisory Committee is looking for a strong transcript as an indicator of potential.
  • Essay: Explaining why you would like to be a member of Honors @ AACC.
  • Academic Sample: Give a demonstration of your abilities in an academic area.
  • Letters of Recommendation (at least two): From people familiar with your academic ability.  If you have not been in school for a while, contact the Honors coordinator ( to discuss other options.

To remain in Honors @ AACC, students must earn at least a 3.4 GPA each term and participate in at least one event hosted by the program.

Taking an Honors Course

All honors courses are taken via honors contract. You do not enroll in an honors section of a course. Instead, you register for a standard section of an honors-eligible course. Then you enter into an honors contract with your professor. This contract outlines honors work you will complete (such as an extra project) while taking the course. 

The following courses are honors-eligible, meaning that you can enter into a contract with your professor to take the course as honors:

  • ACH-104 Materials and Methods for Interior Design
  • ACH-105 Textiles and Textile Applications
  • ACH-106 Residential Design Studio
  • ACH-117 Landscape Architecture: Plant Identification
  • ACH-203 Commercial Design Studio
  • ACH-204 Interior Construction Detailing
  • ACH-211 Architectural Studio 1: Form, Space and Order
  • ACH-212 Architectural Design 4
  • ACH-242 Environmental Systems for Design
  • ACH-262 Architectural Travel Study 1
  • ACH-263 Architectural Travel Study 2
  • ACH-265 Digital Studio
  • AFA-225 African American Literature (also ENG-225H)
  • ANT-120 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
  • ANT-121 Cultural Anthropology
  • ANT-123 Introduction to Archaeology
  • ART-125 Drawing 1
  • ART-145 Ceramics 1
  • ART-146 Ceramics 2
  • ART-245 Ceramics 3
  • BIO104 Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution
  • BIO-215 Restoration Ecology
  • BIO-223 General Microbiology
  • BPA-111 Introduction to Business
  • BPA-113 Personal Finance
  • BPA-142 Principles of Management
  • BPA-145 Leadership
  • BPA-201 Financial Accounting
  • BPA-202 Managerial Accounting
  • CHE-111 General Chemistry 1
  • CHE-112 General Chemistry 2
  • CHE-213 Organic Chemistry 1
  • CHE-214 Organic Chemistry 2
  • CJS-111 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CJS-206 Cybercrime
  • CJS-225 Criminal Justice Ethics
  • CJS-275 Criminal Justice Internship
  • COM-110 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
  • COM-200 Intercultural Communication
  • COM-230 Persuasive Message Strategies
  • CTA-100 Computing and Information Technology
  • CTP-103 Theories and Applications of Digital Technology
  • CTP-115 Introductory Object-Oriented Program Analysis & Design
  • CTP-150 Computer Science 1
  • CTP-194 Ethics and The Information Age
  • ECO-211 Principles of Economics 1
  • ECO-212 Principles of Economics 2
  • EDU-242 Foundations of Reading and Language Arts
  • ENG-101 Academic Writing and Research 1 Honors
  • ENG-102 Academic Writing and Research 2 Honors
  • ENG-211 World Literature 1
  • ENG-212 World Literature 2
  • ENG-213 British Literature 1
  • ENG-214 British Literature 2
  • ENG-215 Early American Literature: Colonial to 1865
  • ENG-216 American Literature, 1865 – 1945
  • ENG-217 Contemporary American Literature: 1945 – present
  • ENG-220 The Bible as Literature
  • ENG-221 Introduction to Shakespeare
  • ENG-222 The American Novel
  • ENG-223 The British Novel
  • ENG-224 Modern American Poetry
  • ENG-225 African American Literature
  • ENG-226 Ethnic American Literature
  • ENG-227 Literary Nonfiction
  • ENG-228 Literature in English by Women
  • ENG-235 Modern Drama
  • ENG-250 Literature of the Chesapeake Bay
  • FRE-111 Elementary French 1
  • FRE-112 Elementary French 2
  • FRE-211 Intermediate French 1
  • FRE-212 Intermediate French 2
  • GEO-103 Cultural Geography
  • GSS-216 Human Sexuality
  • GSS-228 Literature in English by Women
  • HIS-211 History of the United States 1
  • HLS-111 Introduction to Homeland Security
  • HON-280 Special Topics in Honors
  • HUS-102 Physiological Aspects of Chemical Dependence
  • HUS-114 Counseling, Assessment and Case Management
  • LGS-253 Business Law 1
  • LGS-254 Business Law 2
  • MAT-135 Statistics
  • MAT-191 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1
  • MAT-192 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2
  • MAT-201 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3
  • MAT-202 Linear Algebra
  • MAT-212 Differential Equations
  • MAT-222 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics 2
  • MDA-113 Medical Terminology
  • MLT-203 Clinical Chemistry
  • MLT-204 Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology
  • MLT-205 Clinical Hematology
  • MLT-206 Advanced Clinical Chemistry
  • PHL-194 Ethics and the Information Age
  • PHS-100 General Physical Science
  • PHS-109 General Oceanography
  • PHY-211 General Physics 1
  • PHY-212 General Physics 2
  • PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY-205 Child Psychology
  • PSY-211 Developmental Psychology
  • PSY-214 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY-216 Human Sexuality
  • SOC-111 Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC-265 Social Research Methods
  • SPA-111 Elementary Spanish
  • SPA-112 Elementary Spanish 2
  • SPA-140 Elementary Spanish for Health Care 1
  • SPA-141 Elementary Spanish for Health Care 2
  • SPA-211 Intermediate Spanish 1
  • SPA-212 Intermediate Spanish 2
  • SPA-213 Intermediate Spanish Grammar Review and Composition

Honors Contracts

Honors contracts are due very early in the term. Due dates vary based on the term and can be found in the Honors @ AACC Canvas Group. It is important to reach out to your professor early, no later than the first week of class, to discuss your interest in an honors contract. Once you submit an honors contract, you cannot switch back to the standard section of the course. 

Examples of Honors Projects

You are encouraged to work with your professor to develop a project that is of interest to you. Projects can result in posters, papers, presentations, artwork, webpages, really anything!

Below are some examples of recent honors projects:

  • ART 125 – Drawings of Abuse
  • ENG 101 – Research Paper on AI and Human Creativity
  • ENG 102 – Photo Essay – As I Lay Dying
  • PHY 212 – A Function Model of a Greenhouse
  • PSY211 – Journal of Emerging Scholarship article on the Developmental Impacts of Long Term Marijuana Use
  • SOC 111 – Service Learning Project
  • SPA 111 – Conversations with a Native Speaker

For information on projects, reach out to the honors coordinator at


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Honors Program


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Our Staff

Brandi Angel
Honors program coordinator
CRSC 315

Honors Program Application

Honors Program Recommendation Form

Application deadlines:
Aug. 15 for the fall term
Nov. 15 for the spring term